The London tote bag sewing course will automatically be unlocked, once you have purchased the sewing pattern in our shop.
Please note, that the Out & About bag was renamed London tote bag. Especially in its German translation, the name is just too long. As I first fell in love with this type of bag on a trip to London, it seemed rather a fitting name for a trendy and cute tote bag.
Design Options:
You can sew this tote bag with a welt pocket (Option: 1) or with sassy colour blocking. Option: 1 has a wider central block whereas option: 2 is designed for a slimmer block effect!
When you topstitch the seams of the central colour block on either side, it gives the bag more stability and adds an interesting feature. More importantly, it also gives you more options when it comes to fabric choice. This is the main reason why the front has two different widths for the colour blocking. In the above examples of the London tote bag, I chose gorgeous themes and paired them with polka dot fabrics. Hopefully they will inspire you to create some awesome bags yourself.
All the options include a facing with a recessed zipper which will keep unwanted fingers out!
More sewing Projects for you:
For a matching accessory, pop over to the gorgeous travel wallet in my sewing course for beginners, here. It has a number of really simple projects you may enjoy, too.
Our informative YouTube channel, which perfectly complements the sewing academy here at Frocks & Frolics, is very useful if you have purchased your pattern on a different platform. Perhaps you are reluctant to sign up, to yet another service and I get that! If you have made a purchase on, you can use the video playlists on YouTube to access the video sewing course. The video playlist for this project is linked here.
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